Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Moving Day!

Today we are moving. Where to, you ask? Well, about half a mile away from our current location. We like to think of it as relocating to a better part of town (we currently do not like our neighbors). Hopefully we will have better neighbors!
I love moving in the middle of the week. I don't have to take off work at all. I leave for work from one location and come home to a new location that is completely unpacked and ready to live in! Props to Justin and the Megarits! As much as I'd like to move to a bigger home (one that I own), it is nice to not have very many earlthly possessions. If I had more room, I would eventually accumulate more crap. I didn't even have to pack very much. I was seriously ill all weekend, so Justin packed almost everything. My husband is the bestest! He's so great, I'm even making up words about him!
All this to say, if would like our new address for today through April 30, 2007, give me a shout!


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