Monday, August 08, 2005

Chandler's Not a Salt Water Dog

We went to the beach yesterday, and it was a lot of fun! (We’ve actually been going to the beach almost every Saturday and Sunday for the last month or so.) We decided to take Chandler to the beach yesterday, since he’d only been once before. That’s when we found out that he’s not a beach dog. First of all, he doesn’t like the car because we think he gets motion sick. When we got to the beach, however, he looked like he was ready to have some fun. I had brought him some water so that he wouldn’t have to drink the ocean water, but that didn’t stop him. The first thing he wanted to do was go get a long drink from the ocean. He had a good time for the first 45 minutes to hour. We would throw his Frisbee into the ocean and he would go get it. Then all the sudden he started going to the bathroom, if you could call it that, all over the place. He totally went to the bathroom right in front of a little boy who’s eyes got really wide. The mom immediately called the little boy away from Chandler…I was totally embarrassed. I gave Chandler some water and he drank it up within minutes. He then proceeded to throw up all the water (plus some salt water, I’m sure) and looked at me with these big sad eyes. I gave him some more water and the same thing happened. I walked him around for a little while to get it all out of his system, and then we decided to go home. He was fine until we got home, where we gave him more water. He was drinking and then decided he couldn’t wait to go pee. He just lifted his leg and peed all over my floor…WHILE STILL DRINKING!!! It was the most disgustingly funny thing I’d ever seen. I yelled at him and he stopped until Justin took him out to finish. We took his water away and left for about 2 hours, and came home. He still looked really sad, but he hadn’t peed anywhere else. As soon as we gave him more water, he sat by the door to go out again, though. Justin took him out and he peed a bunch then. I took him out about a half hour later, and he peed some more! He peed a bunch this morning, too, when I took him out.

I really hope he got it all out of his system! We will not be taking him to the beach for a while, which is sad really…since he’s a lab, a.k.a. “a water dog.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hope this worked!!
i ♥ this pic!

9:49 AM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Yeah, it worked...well, I pulled it up on the internet. You're right, it's a good picture for once. Thanks, Kam!

5:25 PM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Yeah, it worked...well, I pulled it up on the internet. You're right, it's a good picture for once. Thanks, Kam!

5:25 PM  

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