Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Chandler Bing Gordon

Well, some of you know how much of a Friends freak my husband is, but some of you may not. He has now stepped up a notch with this Friends obsession. He not only has all 8 seasons of the "friendly" comedy (that are out), but he has memorized the first 5 seasons to where he can quote lines and tell you what happens in each episode, that kind of stuff. Well, we just recently received a new addition to Justin and I's family, and his name is Chandler Bing Gordon. Last week we got an 8-month-old, pure-bred black lab! He's the best dog in the world, really. I have been opposed to having big dogs for a long time because they shed. I DO NOT LIKE SHEDDING DOGS. I did, however, give in when we had the opportunity to get Chandler for free from a guy that works for Justin on Sunday mornings. Apparantly, Ski Lusard (Chandler's previous owner) couldn't keep him inside anymore because they just had a new baby, and Chandler does not like being kept outside. As big of a dog as he is, he prefers to sleep all day on the couch in a nice, warm home. I have fallen in love with this dog, despite his shedding habit and his size.

He's really an awesome and funny dog. He doesn't bark except when outside. He only nibbles as a playful gesture. He doesn't go to the bathroom inside. He loves to play catch with his frisbee and booda (with the exception of the fact that he likes you to chase him once he's retrieved the item). He loves to go running with me, except he accidentally almost tripped a bicycler on Paseo (which is our city's version of Bloomington/Normal's Constitution Trail). He loves kids, but he doesn't jump on them. He plays nice with other dogs! He's just an all-around great dog!

I was a little concerned about having a big dog in a one-bedroom apartment. But, Chandler has proven me wrong. He's actually very lazy during the day. He would prefer to sleep all day instead of going to the park. I found that out on this past Saturday. I wanted to go for a run down to the park, and then play catch with him. It was very hard, however, to get him off the couch to go outside. But, once he's outside, he has the time of his life!

So, I really like our new addition to our family! He fits in very well!


Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

Hill, it was really strange (hehe) to hear you call your dog Chandler when we were on the phone tonight. I can't put my finger on was just weird.

As for steps to healing your ill husband, please refer to an earlier blog, in July I believe. Same rules apply.

9:12 PM  

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