Thursday, November 04, 2004

Getting Angry

What does it say to your non-Christian co-workers when you get very angry at them and eventually blow up in their face? So, I did that today, and I felt horrible. I've since apologized and everything seems to be fine. But my question is, does that lessen your "Christian" reputation in their eyes? Everyone is human, right? Everyone gets angry, right? But do non-Christians understand that? In their eyes, am I now just a hypocrit?

I have tried harder than anything to be different here at work, because I am the only Christian employee in this entire hotel. Working only with Christians my whole life has not prepared me for this. Is it bad that I want to go back to working in a Christian environment? Is it bad that I hate going to work sometimes and I know it shows on my face and in my work ethic?

Any opinions?


Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

I don't really know what to say. I find that I am energized by working in a Christian environment. Even if it means that I work with non-Christians through that organization. But I love being surrounded by people that I connect with. So, yes, I understand what you mean by working in a Christian environment.

P.S. I have interesting things to tell you, so call me when you can.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

I just really like putting that at the end of my comments.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

I don't think you have anything to worry about. They understand you a human and maybe a little more normal than they thought. I get mad at people all the time at work but my attitude is not the only thing I am judged by. If they think you are less Christian because you blew up then... Don't worry what small minded people think or say, and that is strait out of 2 Cor. (I think it is 2 Cor.) Hopefully that helps some.

P.S I have something really important to tell you call me!!! I am making fun of Lindy

8:19 AM  
Blogger Lucas said...

I have a really important comment to make, call me.

6:34 AM  
Blogger Lucas said...

Oh I'll just post it.

Hillary I just what do you think a "Christian reputation" is? And are you really conserned about your reputation? I think your character is more a consern than your reputation. Character is who you are. Reputation is what people say. Who gives a &#* what people will say about you. It sucks to say this, but Dr. Nick was right... "its just one begger telling another begger where to find bread"

Christians get mad, they have feelings, they even sin daily. The question is did you tell your co-workers WHY you were ashamed of your behavior? Is it cause you don't want them to think badly of you? Or is it because you want to be more like Christ? That would have been an awesome opportunity.

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hillary!!
What Im about to write has nothing to do with you last blog. I had to write a poem for english about a hero... and I decided to write one about you.

She is always encouraging to everyone around her.
And welcomes everyone into her life.
Hillary Gordon is my hero.

She always has a smile on her face.
She makes me smile every second of my life.
Hillary Gordon is my hero.

She may not realize what an impact she is in others lives.
But, others realize what an impact she is in there lives.
Hillary Gordon is my hero.

Love always and forever: BEST PAL

P.S. I hope you like it!!!

4:04 PM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Wow, thanks! Who are you? Although, lately I haven't really felt like having a smile on my face because of this whole work thing... But thanks, all the same! I know that my friends are the reason I smile a lot! They're just awesome! Just like you are, but who are you?

9:08 AM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Thanks so much Kamrin!!!! You are the best! I forgot that you knew my blog address! How are you feeling? Is your mouth still sore? Hope it's better by Friday!!!! We're going to have so much fun!

11:50 AM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Okay, I totally just got the whole Best Pal thing! I'm such a dork!

11:52 AM  

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