Friday, October 22, 2004

Genuine People...

Have you ever met someone who you really liked, and as you got to know them, you realized that they weren't very genuine in their relationships/friendships? I do. There is this group of people that I have recently come into contact with, and though I have known them for quite some time, I never realized how ingenuine they are until recently. I've met people who are fake before, but at least they all have a few strong, genuine relationships. I've never thought that anyone would want to be that way with almost everyone they come into contact with.
Why wouldn't you want to have genuine relationships? Wouldn't that be a lonely feeling? I would think so. I used to have walls up around my heart but I let some people in. Since then, I've come to realize that if I lived like that for the rest of my life, I'd become bitter and old and always feel lonely. I couldn't imagine my life without my true relationships/friendships...Justin, my parents, my neice, Lindy, Greg, Angel, Tobi, the list goes on and on and on.
A few days ago, I had this blog all planned out in my head, but now I can't remember a single word of what I wanted to write. Maybe I'm not supposed to, because I would be dwelling on something that made me sad. I don't want to be sad, so this is the end of my part of this discussion. Feel free to comment. Do you know anyone that is like this?


Blogger Adam said...

Well I for one think all of the girls at LCC. I would be surprised every year when girls were best friends then the next year whole different set. Never a dull moment. Like me I was friends with Lawerence, Randy, Justin, Lucas you remember the clan. Sure it changed but I am still geniunely concerned about the others no matter who, Gerkin, Hickman. I think it is a girl thing.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Adam, I'm not talking about friendships that you can throw into the "fling" catagory. Most "Freshman Year" friendships are not too deep, because you're still testing the water with who you can trust. I am talking about friendships that you have had with people for years, thinking that you could trust them with your secrets, and then all the sudden, you find out that they aren't as interested in you as you thought they were. This is something that could truly hurt someone's feelings.

3:00 PM  
Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

I think this is how I perceive it...

You're in college, surrounded by dozens of people at any given time. Those ingenuine people have ALWAYS been this way, but there are enough buffers of cool, reliable, genuine individuals that their ferocious, life-sucking, demented behavior is not as obnoxious. Then, when years or even months later see these shallow friends, it hits you how much their relationship with you indeed sucked and was based on popularity, deoderant, or simply the music you listened to. That's what I think.

But on the flip side, I have come in contact with so many people that I never hung out with and have developed amazing friendships that for one reason or another didn't build while we were at school. Then there are the friends that I have kept and deepened out of school too. Those parts I like a lot.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Lucas said...

I agree,

I think when you can isolate a friendship from the crowd you discover things about it. It is one thing to hang out, it is another to be a friend.

However, Hill I do know someone like that. There is a girl that I talk to once a month that is... (hard to explain) I am a friend to her, I'm her friend, but she is not my friend... well that is to say she is not a friend to me. Every time she calls I treat her well, but have learned to never expect anything in return.

I think that is how I learned to deal with those people. Just keep reminding yourself to love them, but know they are just selfish and self absorbed. So I guess love them, but don't trust them.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

hhhhmmmm, things to ponder...

12:58 PM  

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