Thursday, September 16, 2004

Why is nothing new?

I'm sitting here wondering what to say in this posting, but I can't come up with anything. Why is that? Why is there nothing new and spectacular in my life? I know there's been a lot of things that have happened lately, but I just don't want to sit down and spill my guts, in case someone reads it and I'm not comfortable with that person knowing. Really and truly, there are only a very small number of people in my life who know the most intimate parts of my heart and life. I just don't like telling everyone the things that are going through my head sometimes.

Does anyone else feel like that? I wonder. I wonder if other people are afraid that someone will judge them because of what is written in their blog. I wonder if it's more of the fact that I only want certain people knowing what's going on. Or is it that I'm truly afraid someone will judge me.

I think that if I think about it too hard, I will get a headache. But, nonetheless, I know that in order to clear my head, I have to allow myself to be somewhat invincible. But not today. My head already hurts, and I haven't even thought about this stuff. I've simply been at work for almost 8 hours, and I'm ready to go get a Starbucks and go home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hill, this is Lindy. The computer wouldn't take my password. Anyway, I know exactly what you mean and that's why I miss you. We need to talk very soon. :) I love you!

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah, lucas had to change his address. It's

8:28 AM  
Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

There's nothing new because you haven't blogged. So there.

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you so much Hillary!! Do you know who this is??

4:44 PM  
Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

oh come on...of course not! it was anonymous!

1:26 PM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

I'm confused!

4:18 PM  

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