Friday, July 30, 2004

Justin's pain

So, Justin got hurt on Tuesday night playing softball. It was actually a pretty scary night, because Justin doesn't get hurt easily and he has a very high threshhold for pain. This is how it went down.

He was in centerfield, trying to catch a fly ball. It was going deeper than he was, so he turned to run after it. About his 3rd step out, he said he felt/heard his hamstring "pop." He fell down and then got up. At first he said he didn't think it was that bad, so he hobbled to switch places with their catcher, and I met him at home plate. From behind the fence, I could see him sweating really bad, and his breathing was really labored. I knew from that, he was in a lot of pain. So I asked him if he wanted me to take him to the hospital. Right at that moment, the next batter came up and commented on how he didn't look so good. He lost all sense of balance and started to fall. At that point he realized he needed to sit down and I yelled to have someone help him to the dug-out. The sweating got worse, and all the sudden his eyes started rolling back into his head. The guys hollared for me to go get my car and take him to the ER. So I did, and as I was driving up, the guys that were helping him to the car shouted that he was completely gone. He had fainted from the pain, and was having a hard time staying awake. They started dumping water on him, to wake him up, and told me to hurry as fast as I could to the hospital.

So, long story short, the ER doctor was stupid and way too hasty. He diagnosed Justin with a hamstring pull and gave him some weak-strengthed Vicaden. That was Tuesday. Yesterday, Justin told me that he needed to go to the doctor, because there was no bruising as of yet, and the pain had not subsided whatsoever. So I took him to the doctor, and she confirmed what he had been thinking all along. He had partially torn his hamstring. The bad thing is, the doctor said there was nothing he could do for it but wait for it to heal itself. If it had been torn all the way, he would have had to go to surgery, but it's only torn partially, so there's nothing we can do.

I feel bad, but I'm trying to be the best in-home nurse possible. He's bed-ridden, because it hurts him too bad to walk, so we are having a lot of down-time at home, which we probably needed. If anyone has any ideas about how I can make him more comfortable, please let me know. I'm open to most ideas, so give 'em to me!


Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Thanks for the advice, Tim! I'll think about it!

2:21 PM  
Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

I bet that puts a damper on you-know-what...heh heh heh

1:35 PM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...


9:24 AM  
Blogger Lucas said...

Make him feel better?

Step 1. Take off your clothes

Step 2. Clean something.

Step 3. Get him a beer.

Step 4. Get him a beer.

Step 5. Clean something.

Step 6. Make pie.

Step 7. Spoon feed him pie.

Step 8. Ice him down.

Step 9. Ice yourself down.

(maintain step 1)

Step 10. Clean something.

Step 11. Make sandwich.

Step 12. Double dose of pain medication (and lovin)

Repeat Luc's 12 step program daily.

12:56 PM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

You guys are putting too much effort into this, and getting a little too excited yourselves.

9:36 AM  

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