Friday, July 02, 2004


I never really thought I would have a lot of friends throughout the years that I could go to whenever I needed to, even if I hadn't seen them in a while. I've recently been experiencing the fact that I do have those friends. And it makes me feel really nice, because they are GREAT friends. I really only have 3 "best" friends, not including Justin (who is the only person who knows absolutely EVERYTHING about me). Here they are, in no particular order:

1) Jenni. Jen and I have known each other since we were 1. She is best friend in the whole world. We've been close all of our lives. It's one of those friendships where we don't need to be all "clingy" to each other, but we enjoy every minute of our time together. When we're not together, we miss each other, but we don't dwell on it. There are always certain things I can count on when it comes to Jen. I can always count on getting a call from her and Jewels (her mom) on my birthday, simply so they can sing Happy Birthday. I can always count on getting an awesome cherry-filled "candy cane" bread dish on Christmas Eve. I can count on her never cutting her hair past her shoulders. I can count on her to give me a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to listen to, and someone to laugh with. Jen, you will always be my BBF and I LYLAS!

2) Lindy. Lin and I have known each other since we were 18 and freshmen at LCC. We grew closer and closer over the years, and finally in our last 2 years, we were the only ones of our "group" left. So we became even closer. I know I can always count on her to make me laugh. To make me jealous because she's beautiful, she's intelligent, and always got cooler things than me. I know that we will be close friends, even if we never live near each other again. I love that she calls me for advice. I usually don't have good answers, but I just feel privileged that she would think of me to ask. I would always drop anything I'm doing just to talk to her!

3) Greg. Greg is just one of the nicest people you could ever meet. He's always willing to listen, to play cards, to just hang out! He and I met my freshman year at Lincoln, and have been good friends ever since. It wasn't until my Junior year that we got real close, and I could consider him a best friend. That's what he still is, though. I definitely made sure it was okay with Justin when I would want to talk to him on the phone. When we were still in Lincoln, Greg and I had coffee meetings. Before Justin and I were together, we would just go on a whim. Once Justin was in the picture, he would sometimes join, but mostly he just gave me an ok to go with Greg to get coffee and talk.

My number one best friend will always be Justin. That's one of the reasons why I married him. I have always felt like I could tell him anything I did or felt or wanted to do, and he would never be judgmental. He has always supported me in all I do, and I do the same for him. God blessed me more than I thought was possible when he decided Justin and I would be together. Thank you, Lord, for bringing Justin into my life, because I've never felt safer. I have 2 sets of arms wrapped around me at all times...God's and Justin's. He makes me feel special at all times. He thinks of me before himself. He loves me unconditionally. He's HOT! He's funny. He's a great basketball player and golfer. He's intelligent. He's HOT!

Thank you, too, Lord, for the friends you've brought into my life. I am a better person because of them. I love you!


Blogger Adam said...

you know what the best thing about friends is??? They move all over the place and you hardly ever have to worry about renting out a hotel!!! That is why I love friends

8:59 AM  

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