Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Celebrities...I've finally seen them!

I've lived out here for 6 1/2 months, and I haven't seen any celebrities, other than 1 semi-popular soap star. So, it's been pretty uneventful in that area. Until last night! Last night was Justin and I's weekly date night. He surprised me by getting free tickets to the Mercedes Benz Cup, which is a tennis tournament. Last night was the opening night, and the night when they do all sorts of fun things. They invite celebrities to come and play with professionals, and they have singers and all kinds of stuff.

When we got there, we were looking for the table that had our tickets, and we happened to stumble across the celebrity entrance. There, no more than 5 feet from us was Tom Green and Jillian Barberie. She's actually a lot shorter than you'd think. She's about the same heigth as me, maybe even a little shorter. Then, when we got inside to the court, we learned that the celebrities playing were going to be Dr. Phil, Jon Lovitz, some soap star and the blond girl from 8 Simple Rules (the show that had John Ritter in it before he died). Wilson Phillips was the opening act, and they were terrible. They only sang 3 songs, and the only one that sounded any good at all was their hit from the early 90's. I can't even remember what the name of it was.

So, it was a fun night. We actually left before it was over, because it actually got boring towards the end of the night. I was pretty chilly, too, so we took off early. I was satisfied, though, because we got to see some celebrities finally. It's cool, but the excitement only lasts for a few minutes. Oh well. I had fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Amanda and I went to CA for spring break our senior year we went to Universal Studios in Hollywood. We wanted to see someone famous, but I think it was the weekend and when we toured the back lot, no one was working. But we told everybody that we saw Jennifer Anniston!

3:58 PM  

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