Friday, June 25, 2004

What went wrong?

I walked into work today in a pretty good mood. I sat down and started to check my email, when I saw an email entitled "Jim Strange," from my mom. That scared me, because that's my uncle's name and I knew something probably happened to him, otherwise she wouldn't have titled her email like that. So I opened it, and read this,
"The details are lengthy, but would you all pray for and put Jimmy on your church prayer lists, please? He was the engineer on the northbound Amtrak involved in a gruesome suicide train accident south of Champaign at Savoy last night. Sam talked with him late last night by cell. Jim was being sent back to Carbondale on a southbound Amtrak. Right now, Jimmy is in shock. Please keep him in your prayers. Love, Chris/mom."
That scared me to death, so I called my mom immediately to see what had happened.
Apparantly, my uncle was the engineer last night on a northbound train to Chicago. Right before he hit Champaign, he noticed a man standing on the tracks. So, he naturally pulled the horn and the brake at the same time. He said that he made eye contact with the man, and then the man turned his back to the train and committed suicide. It took Uncle Jim 500 feet before the train actually stopped from when he first pulled on the brake, because he was going 79 miles/hour. My uncle is in shock, because in his thinking, he just killed a man. He knows that it wasn't his fault, but there's still that feeling of guilt.

I've been sitting here at work thinking about this off and on all day. I called my mom, and discussed this with her a little bit, and she told me her feelings. She's angry. I SECOND HER ANGER. Suicide is such a hard thing to deal with for families, in the first place. But when you decide that suicide is the only option left for your life and then you decide to make someone else half responsible for it, that's just plain selfishness. This guy probably didn't even think about the fact that he was going to involve someone else in this suicide attempt. Someone who he didn't even know. Maybe if he did think about that, he figured that since my uncle didn't know him, it wouldn't be that bad. WELL, HE WAS DEAD WRONG! Figuratively and Literally. I feel sorry for the family as well, because they are left with all the issues that this guy felt were too overwhelming to deal with.

I know that I will calm down in a couple days, but right now, all I feel is pain for my uncle. He was put in one of the most difficult situations that I could only imagine being in. Please, help me Lord, to forgive this man.

I'm sorry, Uncle Jim, that this man dragged you into his unsatisfied life. I will pray for you, that you will come to a peace about this situation. I will also pray that your life will go back to normal soon. I love you!


Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

Wow, that is just horrible. One of the freaky things is that I was just telling Lucas and his youth group kids today about my number one fear: that someone will step out in front of my car while I'm driving and stare me down as I hit them. I feel awful for your uncle and I hope that he heals, but chances are that this is going to haunt his dreams for awhile.

Do you approve of your links, etc?

I love you

6:43 PM  
Blogger Lucas said...

I have to go with anger on this one. Suicide is the ulitmate form of selfishness. You just become so selfish that you only care about ending the struggles in your life that you don't stop to consider that all your problems get heaped on the loved ones of your life and then you compound them cause of your own death.

I speak from experience. There was a time in my life as a young teen that I considered suicide. One of the major reasons I didn't was cause I couldn't think up a way to do it without hurting my mom. I tried to come up with eleborate ways to die without it looking like a suicide. (which in hidesite is both funny and sad) But suicidally people generally don't care and it is horribly cowardess to have someones else do the job for you cause you are too scared to pull the triger.

10:21 AM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Thanks guys, for your insights on my family's situation. Luc, I didn't know that you considered this approach at one time. I'm glad you didn't go through with it, because you're a great guy and there'd be a hole without you.

Lindy, thanks for fixing my site. Yes, I like all my links, but why in the world did you put the barbie site on there? You're weird, but that's why I love you!

10:47 AM  
Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

Why did I put the barbie link??? Why??? Why not? Don't try hiding your plastic obsession now! We all know that you were unhealthly into the Barbie and Ken scene pre-Justin. Remember the time he made you burn them in the parking lot of Restoration Hall? Repression only makes the pain worse, Hill.

2:50 PM  

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