Thursday, June 03, 2004

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It's been 7 days since my last blog.

Well, a lot has happened since last week. It seems like it was a long time ago, but yet it was only 7 days. Who knows...time sure does fly, but sometimes it seems like it's walking very slowly.

Memorial weekend was a good one for me. Friday I got to take a half day, and saw "The Day After Tomorrow." It was OK. It was a good movie, but there were some things that I really questioned.

Saturday, I went shopping and had lunch with my good friend, Angel. We had our last Saturday night service at Real Life Church!!!! I am so happy about this one, because now I get to have a husband on Saturdays! (Someday I'll write about our awesome church, and let you all know what we're up to!) But anyways, our leadership chose to get rid of our Saturday night service, and add one more, making that 3 services on Sunday mornings.

Sunday, Justin and I went to San Diego with our friends Dan and Angel after church. We got 2 hotel rooms (one for the girls, one for the boys) at the Hilton. Sunday was just great, because we got to talk a lot, and we went down to the beach so Justin and Dan could do a little night surfing. It was very nice! Then we went to Benihana, thanks to Grandma Dottie (who is this older lady who has taken the four of us in and takes us to dinner all the time), and enjoyed the funny chef.

Monday, ah, Monday...what a day it was! We got up and went to one of Camp Pendleton's beaches (Camp Pendleton is a Marine/Navy Base), since they are private and Dan (a Marine) got us on. He wanted to take us there because there wouldn't be a lot of people out, and he and Justin were going to teach us ladies how to surf. Well, Angel didn't want to, but I I did! It was hard, but it's really fun. I did get up 3 times, and so I feel very proud of myself. I will become good at it eventually, but I will need to practice a lot before that time. The only downfall to Monday was the fact that I got VERY sunburned. I got burned so bad, that I had to call in sick on Tuesday because I had a fever from the sunburn. Oh well...I learned how to surf! It was awesome!

Since then, it's been just mundane days. Nothing real special to write about.


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