Tuesday, June 29, 2004


All married couples should try to go on as many dates as possible. Even when there are kids. Justin and I try to go on a date every Monday night. Last night was one of those nights. We went to this real cool miniature golf course that is made with real grass. Justin was so excited because he was going golfing today, and it was going to be good practice for him. Plus, this is first real greens course that he's seen. It was funny to see him so excited to play mini golf.

To get to the point, we bet each other on who would win. If I won, he had to take me to get frozen yogurt (which he does not like). And if he won, I had to take him to get Jamba Juice (which I like, but didn't want last night). It was really close on the back 9. I was doing real well, and even got a hole-in-one! I think I even shot par. But, anyways, He added it all up, and he beat me by one stroke. Dagnabit! So close, but yet I still had to get him Jamba Juice.

So, remember, once married, dates are a good thing. It's even okay to make competitions out of your dates, because you're not trying to impress each other as much anymore by letting the girl win. Competitions keep fun in the marriage, if you know what I mean!


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