Friday, June 04, 2004

Christian...To act like one or not to act like one

The one thing I have tried to do since I got out here to California and started working, was portray Christ in my life. I long to have someone ask me why I don't get upset at some things, or why I don't drink alcohol all the time, or why I am nice to everyone. Every once in a while do I get someone who will actually ask me about myself and Justin. I then tell them that Justin is a pastor, and that sparks about a 5 minute conversation. I hope someday that conversation will be longer. But working in a non-Christian environment is totally different/harder than I thought.

So...from that, I get this next emotion!

I'm going to kill Alina. Alina is my manager. I work directly with her day in and day out. She is a very cool and intelligent person. She's from Romania, but speaks 5 different languages, not including uding Romanian. From what I can tell, things are done differently in her country. She says all the time how nobody in this country does anything efficiently. Well, she and I both know that's not totally true, but a majority of our country does just loaf around to the point of major frustration. Anyway...sometimes she just pushes my buttons, because she's so abrupt. She continuously gives me things that need to be done in a fashionable manner, but how can I get them done when 5 minutes later she gives me another thing that needs to be done ASAP? A lot of the time, the things she's giving me are things that she has more time to do and just doesn't want to because it's "easier" for me to do it. And then when things go wrong for her (even if I had nothing to do with it) she yells at everyone. She does apologize from time to time for being a jerk to me when she is mad at other people.

I am always trying to portray myself in such a way that she will notice I'm different from everyone else. How can I portray a Christian attitude when she keeps testing my spirit! I just don't know how to act like it doesn't bother me when she expects/demands me to do things right at that moment and I have a lot of things on my plate. There is not one bone of patience in her body some times. How in the world do I portray the image of Christ, when all I want to do is yell at her?

And so goes the saga of working in a non-Christian environment...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hills!
I've found that serving the people who really push my buttons is a great way to show them God's love. And actually what usually happens is God ends up showing ME how huge his love is for me. And eventually that person usually doesn't get under my skin as much, and I'm able to love them. There's just something powerful about serving someone else...

9:59 PM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Thanks guys...I appreciate your thoughts. I'm not always sure what is the best way to handle things, so I keep my anger inside. The more you guys tell me how you handle things, the better idea I have to handle my own situations!

9:15 AM  

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