Wednesday, May 26, 2004

War...It sucks!

I have come to the conclusion that War absolutely sucks! I remember when we went to war originally back in March of 2003. My friend Tim Stewart was ready to go the instant there was even a hint of war. I wonder why that was. Now he's been there for 3 months, and he says he is having a good time. How can you have a good time amongst death and destruction. It was pretty cool when he told me that he is getting to see a lot of places that are mentioned in the Bible. If that is what he's referring to when he says he's having a good time, than I understand. I want Tim to come home, but that won't happen for 9 more months.

Since we've been in California, Justin and I have become very close to another military man. His story is different than Tim's, in the fact that he absolutely hates being in the military. He doesn't hate the military, persay, but he sees it as a job and nothing else. He got shoved into the war when he had barely turned 18. He joined the Marine Corps at the age of 17, because his parents wanted him to clean up his act, and then he got sent to Iraq and was a part of the original destruction of that country. We don't ask him about it, because it tears him up, but we know he had to kill lots of people. Now that he's been home for a while, he is going to be sent back. I don't want him to go. He has become a good friend to Justin and I, and it just reminds me that war tears friends/families apart.

I don't really know where I'm going with this post, but I think I just wanted to get it across to everyone that I hate war! I am not against President Bush, but I do hate the fact that we had to go to war.


Blogger Lucas said...

Hi Tim

I couldn't have said it better. War is one of those things that is terrible, but sometimes nessessary. God used the Israelites to wipe out whole people groups and were punished for makeing treaties. I thank God for people in the military. I wouldn't want to kill someone, but if I believed in the cause I would... I just don't know how I would handle it later.

10:15 AM  

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