Wednesday, May 19, 2004

This is for you, Lucas

Well, I had a little free time at work today, so I thought I'd finally create a blog, so Lucas would stop hounding me about it. So, here it is...I can't promise that there will be daily entries, but I'll do my best.

OK, I've read most people's blogs on graduation...(at least the blogs that I faithfully read). I would have to agree with almost all of you. I have definitely outgrown Lincoln, and all her glory. I'm not trying to put myself up on a pedastal, but for some reason, I did not feel at home there, when I was back on Saturday. There were so many things that I thought I would feel happy to see, but when I actually saw them, all I could feel was disorientation. I just didn't feel comfortable being back in the LCC bubble. It was good to see people. I truly miss certain people. Then there are those people that I am merely an acquaintance with, and it was a mutual feeling of "eehh." I don't know how to put my feelings into words, because the feelings haven't quite unwound in my own head.

I think part of the reason I can't quite understand how I felt about the trip was because Justin did NOT want to go. He is fed up with LCC, mainly because they keep messing up graduations for us. Last year, they messed up my graduation, and this year Alan Kline told him he couldn't graduate because his online class with University of Texas hadn't gotten his grade to LCC. He's done with the class, and anyone who knows him, knows that he probably aced the class, but yet he couldn't graduate. Of course, he wasn't told he couldn't graduate until after we had purchased our airline tickets for over $300.00. Alan Kline is a great registrar, I'm sure, but he needs to show a little grace, or at least a little remorse, when he gives bad news.

All in all, the two hours spent in Lincoln, and the 2 1/2 days spent in Illinois were good. I didn't get to see my family like I wanted, but it was a good trip. I am happy to be home in California, because the weather is awesome, I had GREAT friends to pick us up from the airport, and Justin was much happier to be home.


Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

see hill, you have your own special knack for writing. i told you so.

as for your visit home. i didn't like seeing you. okay, i did enjoy you, but i absolutely hated the circumstance/lack of time that we were allotted. there is nothing worse for me than knowing that i can't have quality time with one of my best friends especially when we have been a whole world away. stupid graduation. i selfishly wish i could have stolen you away for awhile. i miss you, friend.

6:36 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

nice to see that you have your own blog now. Psht you have better writing skills then I do.

I didn't see you there at graduation? But I really didn't lend myself to be talked to. I just wanted my diploma and leave. I share your feelings about LCC and that is probably a good thing maybe we are more grown up then we want to be.

Anyways you are living out there? Well hopefully Arnold is going to get that economy back on track with the rest of the U.S. I was reading a article about that. Have fun joining the club of blogerers and bloggets

7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks guys, for understanding. I miss everyone, and eventhough it was a bittersweet return home for 3 whole days, I'm glad it happened.

3:08 PM  
Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

Funny Adam, all you wanted was your diploma and you left LCC without it.

4:49 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

Lindy - lol, great comment

Hillary - I erased what I orginally wrote here. Sometimes I'm too cantankerous (ornery) for my own good. nice blog, though. You inspired me to write something that I've been thinking about. thanks.

7:47 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

for the lighter side of graduation, check out my post entitled, "Knights in Shining Armor"

7:49 PM  

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