Thursday, May 20, 2004

Grief in Heyworth

Today has been good. I didn't have to wear my daily suit to work, which was nice. Instead, I got to wear a Hawaiian shirt and casual skirt. I am the Sales Coordinator here at the Hilton Garden Inn Valencia Six Flags, and today myself and my boss threw a Hawaiian themed party for our corporate clients. It went well, and made the day go by very fast! That was the nice part.

Then I came back to my office to see what kind of messages I got while I was at the party. My mom had emailed me to let me know the tragedy that happened in my hometown. Apparantly, some kids had gone out partying this past weekend. On their way home, the driver rolled the car and was killed instantly. Two of the kids had only minor injuries, and the other kid was put in the ICU unit at the hospital. During the funeral for the driver, the school got word that the kid in the ICU had finally died as well. They've been having prayer services almost every night since then, and they're even thinking about canceling the high school finals, because 2 of the kids were still in high school and the other 2 had graduated last year. I feel awful, mainly because I know one of the kids pretty well (thankfully, he only had minor injuries), but at the same time, I almost feel that maybe this will teach my hometown a lesson. IT IS NOT OK TO LET YOUR UNDERAGE CHILDREN DRINK. There is a tradition in Heyworth, IL, that goes something like this: As long as I (the parent) am in the house, and my child's friends leave their keys on the upstairs table, it is okay for them to drink down in the basement. I went to a few such parties when I was back in high school, but I was known as a designated driver. It is a sad day, when 2 of our underage children drink and die, and a sad week after, when all the parents are grateful that their own child is not dead. I blame the parents first, the kids second, and our society third. The parent's receive blame first of all, because they are teaching that it's okay to drink when they're underage. First they do it with their parents, then they don't think there will be any consequences if they do it out in the country with just their friends. Where is the concern and love for their kids? I blame the kids second, because they're always going to push the envelope when it comes to their kids. It's the feeling of, "What can I do next?" And I blame our society third, because no one ever steps out and shows their disapproval of underage drinking.

It is not up to me to judge, because there is One who is the ultimate judge. This blog is merely my frustration. I don't think people realize that their actions will ALWAYS affect other people.


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