Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Did it really go by that fast?

Yesterday, May 24, was my 1st wedding anniversary. It was a very cool day, but it's sparked some interesting thoughts for me. Q#1) Am I really old enough to be married? A#1) Yes, I guess. Q#2) Am I really mature enough to be married? A#2) It depends on who you talk to. Q#3) Do I know how to be a Godly wife? A#3) I can only hope and pray. And the list goes on. Justin has assured me that most of these things are very true, and that I need not worry. But I know I will still doubt myself from time to time. The attribute that I want to strive the hardest for is being a Godly wife. It means more to me than I ever thought it would, because Justin deserves the best. He deserves to have a wife who seeks God's will, and will constantly strive to/be do anything he needs. I want to be his confidant, I want to be his helper, I want to be his sounding board for sermons and lessons, I want to be his friend, I want to be the bride that Christ compares His church to. Man, I definitely have a lot to live up to.

When I got home from work, Justin took me to my new favorite Japanese restaurant, Benihana. I already had a love for Japanese food (cooked, not that raw crap), but this place just makes the food even better. We had fun watching the chef chop things up, bang on the grill, do a little show to impress us. I've always thought it was funny how the Japanese restaurants rely on their chefs to entertain the customers. Anyways...it was great food, great service, and it was my anniversary!
Then he took me down to Santa Monica to walk down the Third Street Promenade, which is this really cool outdoor mall. This place is cool, because you get to see no-name people (who are just praying that some big recording company executive will walk by and hear their self-written ballads) about every 50 feet singing and putting on their own little mini-concert to the passers-by. You also can do any kind of shopping you want, because there are clothing stores, restaurants, an Apple store(which we unfortunately had to stop in), shoe stores, basically a mall.
Then we were going to go down to the beach, but the walkway was forever away and it was already 9:45 (we still had 30 minutes to drive home), and anyone who knows me well, knows that I'm not truly coherent past the time of 10:00pm. So we just stood and watched the ocean from up on the pedestrian's sidewalk for a little while. It was very romantic.

So, after this first year with my husband, I can truly say, that this has been the greatest year of my life. I have grown, and I have been stretched beyond what I thought was possible, but it has been great! Living with alone with a guy is hard work, especially for someone as detail-oriented, neat-freakish, and picky as I am. I know that I shouldn't try to "train" Justin to be the person I want, but I do hope he'll learn to pick up some of my more anal habits, so that I don't have to work as hard at home anymore.

There is one thing I know for sure...I love Justin with all my heart. You forever have my heart, Buddy!


Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

Freak nasty, girl! I cannot believe that you have been married a year already. Time sure flies. I am so happy for you two. I miss you more than I can say, but it brings me joy to know that you are thriving in God's arms. I love you both!

7:37 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

Whoa whoa whoa we don't want to hear about your sex life yeah YOUR """anal habbits"""... I just realized something I am not very mature either. I am glad your happy after one year. And Lindy great use of freak nasty.

7:38 AM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Yeah, Lindy, I know it, time sure flew by. Sometimes, Emily, I wish we were all still sitting by the pool and playing cards. Of course, I would like to be married and doing that, but I can't get everything I want. And, Adam, no, you're not very mature..."anal habits?" That's just disgusting!

8:54 AM  
Blogger Hillary Gordon said...

Come on out Em...we have a pool at our apartment complex, so we could make it as authentic if we want. Bring Lindy with you!!!! That would make for a great time! I'm being serious! You guys should come out here...I can get you free to very cheap rooms at the Hilton if you come here!

2:00 PM  
Blogger Brad and Lindy said...

Heck yeah, I'll go!

8:56 PM  

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