Friday, May 21, 2004

Am I truly prepared for life outside the LCC bubble?

I just had lunch with one of the nicest people I've met since I've been here in California. He works with me at the Hilton, and is the only person that consistently goes out of his way to say hi to me. There's just one thing that makes me a little uncomfortable being around him. He's very flamboyantly(sp?) gay. I've never really met anyone who was gay, so Cesar's friendship is very different for me.

For the first month I worked here, he didn't know that I was a Christian, or that my husband was a pastor. When he found out, he got angry with me, because the only Christians he's known, have turned their backs on him and said he was "dirty." I had to explain to him that I would NEVER turn my back on him just because he chose this lifestyle. I said I didn't agree with the way he lived, but I would never judge him because of it. It took some convincing, but he finally came around to the fact that I wasn't going to drop him as a friend.

Now, my main goal is to show him love. Justin is trying to help too, by coming in and talking to Cesar when he can. Cesar's not quite sure what to think of Justin yet, but he's liking him more and more (in the purely platonic sense). Today we were supposed to have lunch at work together, because he said he needed to talk to me about something. I was so excited, because I thought maybe I would be able to talk to him about Christ. Instead, our general manager ate with us, so we couldn't really talk. I was a little bummed, because I was really hoping he would just ask me what I believe, and why.

We have talked about the Passion movie, but it didn't really affect him. He just said it was not news to him that Jesus died in that way, and he was shocked that people would take it personal. I explained that for myself, it was a reminder that I am the reason Christ was up on that Cross. Even though I wasn't born till many years later, I had a direct hand in causing Jesus to be brutally beaten and killed up on the cross. Cesar just looked at me and said, well, I guess.

How do I talk to him? I find it very difficult to just come out and talk to him about stuff, unless he asks me. Am I truly making a difference in his life? I don't know...maybe I just provide a good source of entertainment. Am I pleasing God by just being his friend, and not rebuking him because of his lifestyle? It's a question that will always be in the back of my head.

Does any of this make sense?


Blogger Adam said...

Let me tell you I work at the airport and 25% of the workers are gay. Quite a change. It is even harder for me though because I have heard to be careful around people, well... because they want my bod basically. I think your doing everything possible right now but soon your going to instigate the conversations.

You DID miss a huge oppertunity, it takes a lot of nerve for him to come up to say that to you. One word of advice don't cheapen his curiosity by saying "what did you want to tell me the other day." Maybe something like "you wanted to talk to me I'm game" Something a little more suttle and not make him feel like he is back on the spot again. Remember, He is in the weaker position wanting knowledge from you, on top of that he is a male. I'm sure you can handle it.

10:02 AM  

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