Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The past 2 years.

Today is Justin and I’s 2nd wedding anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since I graduated college and then got married a week later! I can honestly say I am not the same person that I was back then. I haven’t changed all my ideals, but I have learned a lot since May 24th, 2003. I’ve learned even more since December 29th, 2003, the day we moved out to California.

*I love Justin more now than I did 2 years ago, and I know that love will continue to grow every day!
*Life is not always easy…especially when you live 2000 miles away from everything you’ve known and loved for your entire life.
*Family doesn’t always live up to your expectations.
*I really can survive without my family around.
*I miss being in school…real work is not as fun.
*Having a big dog makes a big difference at night if Justin’s not at home.
*I can learn a lot from so very many different people.
*Church-In-A-Box has it’s perks and has it’s downfalls.
*Californians go absolutely crazy when it rains outside…they need to learn how to drive.
*Not many people who live in California are actually from California.
*Spanish is fun to learn when you’re only learning a couple words a day.
*Seeing a celebrity isn’t as exciting as it seems.
*The most famous places in Southern CA are filled with the weirdest people you’ll ever come into contact with.
There are a lot more things that I’ve learned over the past 2 years, but these are the ones that stuck out the most. At this point, though, the biggest thing I’ve learned is to trust that God will get me wherever he wants me to go and Justin is the biggest supporter of that fact.